MALTsystem at “ExpoElectronica 2018”



MALTsystem project is to be presented at “ExpoElektronica 2018” within the stand organized by our partner LLC “CEP Lomonosov Moscow State University” . We invite you to visit D207 stand. “ExpoElekrtronica” is one of the most popular exhibitions in Russia in the field of electronic components, modules and parts.


The exhibition is to be held at Crocus Expo (Moscow) from 17 to 19 April 2018.


You will learn MALT (Manycore Architecture with Lightweight Threads) - specialized energy-efficient processors with hundreds of extremely compact computing cores on a single chip. Solutions based on MALT show the higher performance-per-watt than customized FPGA systems, surpassing them by performance-per-dollar value. MALT architecture programming complexity is on a par with the universal x86/GPU/ARM computer systems and they show the performance-per-watt of a much higher order.


You are welcome to visit us!